Here are just a few ideas on how you can make a difference.
- Address school boards/public meetings on the need for personal finance
- Get businesses in communities involved in providing support for reaching young people
- Lobby local politicians (city councils, mayors) - inform and educate them on the need for financial education
- Address chambers, city councils for support of school-based education
- Work with charter and private schools
- Identify teachers, school principals who support financial literacy education; work with them to start testing it in a school
- Get involved with classroom volunteer organizations, like Junior Achievement
- Support a financial evening at back-to-school events
- Work with schools to provide assembly programs, lunch programs, etc. to provide financial literacy education at times when it won’t conflict with curriculum requirements
- Make it part of your local school district’s curriculum, working with parents, teachers and school administration
- Involve Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, boys and girls clubs, etc. in providing financial literacy education through workshops, merit badge programs, etc.
- Work with after-school programs to provide financial literacy education while students are being cared for after school hours and during school breaks, also work with your library
- Involve business/fraternal organizations in the community, especially in working with high school students
- Arrange for financial literacy education to be discussed on local cable TV shows
- Develop personal stories of how financial literacy has made a difference in local peoples’ lives to persuade politicians of the importance of mandating it in schools
- Get involved with the PTA – use the power of parents
- Work with school districts to find ways to provide those involved in home schooling with financial literacy educational materials