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Definition: Partners are those organizations involved by making available programs, resources, materials or serving on the Board of Directors.

By partnering with California Jump$tart, your organization can increase its profile and standing in the community, while supporting a statewide program that promotes financial education among pre-kindergarten through college-aged students.

It’s a win-win pairing that offers such benefits as:

  • Your organization listed as a resource on our website & access to other sharing of resources
  • Receive our newsletter keeping you informed and providing the opportunity to highlight your organization
  • State advocacy through our Legislative Committee
  • FFE offerings in your area
  • Opportunity to sponsor  programs /events for your organizations visibility

“CalCPA has long been committed to improving the financial literacy of Californians. Collaborating with Jump$tart’s coalition of partner organizations allows us to multiply the resources and efforts available to tackle this tremendous need.”

Partner Responsibilities:

  • Past & regularly maintain your organization's link & materials on our website
  • Place a link to CAJ$ on your organization's website if at all possible
  • Identify at least one key contact from your organization for communication purposes 
  • Consideration of a one-time or annual contribution or program sponsorship in support of CAJ$

Have something you would like to get noticed? Contact us!