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Uncertainty is Certain for This New Education Year, But it’s Also an Opportunity to Teach About Money

So many children have missed out on education this year, and are now showing problems with math, history, economics, and science topics. We encourage you to use money related lessons to help them reconnect with their classes and their life. Check out our website, and our partners, for teaching opportunities to help you.

Thank You NEFE and the HSFPP Group for 20 + years!

With gratitude, from so many in the financial literacy community, for giving us a major tool to teach our children for decades. The HSFP program was the “Bible” for educators who recognized the need for financial education. For years its lessons and activities inspired so many teachers, and then their students. Thank you NEFE and the HSFPP group for all you’ve given all of us. NEFE retires Smart About Money, High School financial planning program.

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