Teaching Resources

SNL's Kate McKinnon and Beth Kobliner Talk Money with Kids

  • CD1 : Analyze the costs and benefits of various types of credit.



30 minutes

YouTube video showing kids talking about saving and spending money.

SNL's Kate McKinnon and Beth Kobliner talk money with kids.

  • CD1 : Analyze the costs and benefits of various types of credit.



30 minutes

YouTube video showing kids talking about saving and spending money

SNL's Kate McKinnon and Beth Kobliner talk money with kids

  • CD1 : Analyze the costs and benefits of various types of credit.



45 minutes

YouTube video showing kids talking about saving and spending money.

Social Security

  • INV1 : Explain how investing may build wealth and help meet financial goals.

6, 7, 8


25-50 minutes

Social Security 101: What's in it for me? is a 17-minute video that goes over information related to the Social Security Number, disability, and more.

The Money Mammals

  • SS1 : Develop a plan for spending and saving
  • SS4 : Apply consumer skills to spending and saving decisions



30 minutes

Teaching kit that includes DVD, book, and teaching manual to teach kids to save, share and spend.

Using Credit, Investing, Protecting and Insuring

  • CD3 : Apply strategies to avoid or correct debt management problems

9, 10, 11, 12


25-50 minutes

Platform for discovering and discussing all things money through storytelling, quizzes, videos, and case studies

We Need to Talk College

  • FDM2 : Use reliable resources when making financial decisions.

9, 10, 11, 12


20 minutes

WE NEED TO TALK COLLEGE is an online multimedia guide that helps families navigate the college process