Grade: 1
Type: Lesson
Time: 30 minutes
Engaging interactive way for teachers to embed relevant and fun economic education into the classroom.
Type: Game
Time: 45 minutes
This resource consists of a book along with 2 board games that can be used separately or in conjunction with each other.
Type: Book/eBook
Award winning book about a boy growing up in a multicultural family and learning about the 3 G's of money management.
Through the use of lesson plans and simple classroom supplies students learn many valuable lessons about financial literacy.
Type: LessonBook/eBook
Time: 25-50 minutes
There are 3 books plus lesson plans and printables that motivate students into learning about financial literacy.
Type: Activity SheetWorkbook
Time: 60 minutes
A coloring book that encourages students to save for items they want.
Type: Audio/Video
Students will love these colorful, cute and snappy tuned videos that teach good values about money.
Clever picture books that take the reader on a magical counting journey.
This online problem promises to increase your child’s understanding, confidence and success in managing money.
Charming members of the Zrugal family share exciting adventures as they learn basic financial strategies.