Grade: 3
Type: LessonBook/eBook
Time: 60 minutes
Students learn what it means to save and use estimation to decide whether or not people have enough money to reach a savings goal.
Questions for economic concepts about goods, employee, employer, income, installment plan, job, money, and services.
Type: Audio/Video
Program designed to equip 7 to 12-year olds with the knowledge, tools and practice they need to make informed financial decisions to reach their own personal goals and dreams.
Type: Lesson
Choice, Credit, Decision Making/Cost-Benefit Analysis, Risk and Return
Students learn about theconcept of allocation and about different resource allocation methods.
Students share the book Four Dollars and Fifty Cents, by Eric A. Kimmel, to learn about credit, debt, and interest rates.
Students share the book Pigs Will Be Pigs, by Amy Axelrod, to learn about unlimited wants, choice, and adding and counting money.
Type: Activity SheetWorkbook
Worksheet that shows how to calculate discounts at different rates per item.
Grade: 3, 4, 5
Type: Comprehensive Curriculum
Time: 30 minutes
The specific mathematics standards for which tasks and lessons using personal finance content can engage students and strengthen learning
"Money Matters" Explain the difference between needs and wants.